The most successful Public Relations Strategies and Media Pitches are built on a foundation of ongoing dialogue between us and our clients. This relationship is cultivated through:

Onsite Visits

Periodic on-site visits by members of our staff keep us an active and informed part of our client’s executive management team. Often, it is the first-hand view and casual conversation with clients that provides the initial idea for new public relations opportunities.

Project Schedule

A projected list of news stories and other opportunities with target publication and implementation dates is provided to the client after our meetings. As material is readied for publication, story copy is sent to the client for review and final approval.

Monitor and Clip Publications

Our firm monitors local and regional print publications and broadcast media on a daily basis, clips available published news stories and provides copies to our clients with each month’s statement.

Plan and Review

Regular meetings with our clients provide the opportunity to regularly review their goals, adjust and/or update story lines, and plan new public relations and media strategies.